Monday, December 05, 2016

Italian PM to step down after Referendum Defeat

I Amrita Cheema astounding defeat the lot to NZ Italian prime minister had staked his future on the outcome of a referendum on constitutional reform he lost and is stepping down later today. Lindsey it campaign for changes he said would cost bureaucracy and make the country more competitive but his opponents disagreed me carefully MVP who voted against the reforms but first this report.

Italian PM to step down after referendum defeat
Italian PM to step down after referendum defeat
What is my own defeat I go headline that says it's too much here that I'm the one just over 40 percent of the vote a far heavier defeat and polls had predicted. And one for which he. Phone. But so far and that but with the latest on the next step now is money but we need to tomorrow I will hold the ministers meeting. I will thank my colleagues for their extraordinary support. And I will go to the presidential palace to inform the president of the Republic of my resignation casino limit the. After a fiery campaign turnout was high around 2 sets of eligible voters cast their ballots. When he had promised his reforms but stripped away bureaucracy and bring peace.

Payton said they would wreck the. Some balances. It's was a victory for those fed up with the established parties for many the decision was as much about pansy **** the proposed reforms. Boy boy not. I voted no we. I want the things. Stay as they are. And that that charlatan doesn't change the constitution that was so shocked owner. But I think that it is not the money to do this victory of the no vote is a signal that the people are tired of austerity and the neo liberal politics of princes government and those before him. I said and think that only comes.

These are the people who want to leave it to me now. Make that they clearly and his populist 5 star party let the no camp. They're now calling for immediate elections hoping to ride a wave of anti establishment Fateh into power. Joining me now from Bologna is any slight she's an Italian member at the European Parliament for the left being perceived a party. Until last year she was a member of prime minister Matteo Renzi is governing Democratic Party.

Welcome any to D. W. you and your party campaigned against events he's constitutive full plans what I. Well look because it was a very bad Reforma it would have shifted a lot of by where in the end up there ruling party and whatever you know way and deleted a lot off our competence is up there each one and it would have taken away the votes of their right to boats and for their present lives for us kind citizen and I think that's part of the reason why they voted against the coolest thing is that it is being described but at least this morning international media as a populist the boats while at it was not clearly because yes of course extreme right.

Well as on the side of the noble and Greenough spice their movement was supporting you know but also the net but also 60 percent of Italian people also the biggest trade union for example and also the association offer partisan and who read that there and that the county from a from the face is my and many years ago so it was not a populist the goal I think amendments that your holidays that there was broader support actually more than just the that the populace look but then she always argued that these reforms well about making it a bit more governable he said that's 50 changes to the Senate would make political deadlocks and less likely save money and make the country a more stable what do you feel about that. It was not true actually they used and constitutional architecture as a scapegoat set too high to be failures off the political system which are a different problem we are number 2 in Europa in in terms of how many laws we produced we don't need to speed up or to do more laws maybe we should need to move to do that there does so and actually was a add very bad debate in these months that could have been used to do to address the real issues off the county court obscenities and the rising inequalities instead they focus on changes of the because it do so which were not needed to make our institutional more if he said but in the truth to give more pi where to the ruling party that was a problem and fortunately even if you use that he he was the one to lead embedded populistic campaign by saying we need to reduce body peace and we need to reduce the cost of politics but fortunately people didn't buy it's an understood the risk to know what the quality of our democracy with any one of the things that many people are also saying that this was not a referendum on constitutional reform it was a referendum on Matilda and see what is your assessment.

Yeah that's what happened unfortunately because they managed to divide the county on that one thing on which we were really unite that our constitution at when he understood that the reform was very weak and he tried to personalize it to make it to frame it as a boat on him and his government trying to find what the constitution I legitimacy that he never had to be causing the E. was never voted at to be the prime minister as you know that was a huge mistake and I think that now is paying the consequences for that that choice not very irresponsible choice as well. Vita you parliamentary member any schline in Bologna central Italy thank you very much for that. Thank you.

Brexit constitutional crisis could be 'good for Scotland'

Not how you feeling that breaks it means brexit this week we've had David Davis saying Britain might continue to pay into the E. U. we had suggestions Britain might stay in the customs union and tomorrow the Supreme Court will consider case that Mike through another cat among the pigeons although Boris Johnson told Andrew Marr Elliot this morning there was no history of parliament frustrating the government over the European Union before we went on air I spoke to the S. and P. S. foreign affairs spokesperson and former first minister Alex Salmond.

Brexit constitutional crisis could be 'good for Scotland'
Brexit constitutional crisis could be 'good for Scotland'
From a sunny but cold Aberdeenshire. Well let's start with the Supreme Court case from tomorrow onwards out examined them. If the government loses on that 6. Widely expected in a may well lose. What happens. Well I suppose that depends on the extent to which the government loose I mean that the government could lose because the Supreme Court says you have to have a Commons motion the Supreme Court should they could indicate the house to be legislation in the Commons a Supreme Court of cruise. Could indicate the alleged with of consent motion at was required in the Scottish parliament the very persuasive arguments off then the law to advocate that we've seen as so there's a whole range of ways that that the government could lose in each of these I I'd say a particular difficulties to the the government's possession of the odd looking like a a government which is being increasingly boxed in by a number of factors in one of these is the Supreme Court.

If there is a legislative consent motion the Scottish parliament and should. As this goes government had suggested the SMP voted diving. Some people are saying that because a constitutional crisis to do you agree with that. Well let's put it this way if it was that the Supreme Court decided that those to be alleged consent motion in the Scottish parliament. Then I I think that we could assume that Filippov and would be tough I rode back to Edinburgh and adopt an altogether different tone than the one he adopted this week it would put the Scottish parliament and then put the clinical study in an extremely powerful position.

Yes but I I'm just curious is on you take in this because some people say should the Scottish parliament vote. Against the ledges of consent motion. It would be a constitutional crisis up all those a safe but it doesn't matter it's only advisory the government London could just. Ignoring I'm I'm just curious as to what you think the implications would be of the hopping. Well it would certainly be a constitutional crisis that would have to be resolved it is true that the house of Commons could try to invoke an overt right close but of course you could remember that at NASA Kalman's Zampese on more or less lightened up a in favor of blacks that because of the results of the referendum and but that's an altogether different thing if you stop saying we're going to overtime allege the for consent motion or for that matter how about a guillotine then there and because use the legislation so you know the votes change given the question that's been asked and secondly it would result in a a constitutional way crisis tonight crisis might get extremely good thing for Scotland because of it put us in an extremely powerful position and towns of fat securing the interests of Scotland in the negotiations. But why I mean what we say constitutional crisis on on what puzzles me is what what that what that means and if the government just says well.

We hear what you're saying but sorry there's been a referendum votes it to leave the you and we're going to go ahead with that and. What what what what does that how does that crisis manifested itself. Well it would manifest itself and that the government would have to overrule its own legislation and it's the the basis of that the Scotland doctor and issues which affect devolve competencies in this sadly does the house to be alleged of consent motion of the government sweeps out wins as well were not what we're not gonna invoke on will get out of asset via a motion in the house of Commons then that makes the have to copy that motion against the clearly expressed will of the of the Scottish parliament so that you get 2 parliaments in direct opposition to each other and sometimes in politics so many come to take on as so many at forces at one time I'm in the come in that the government's lined up against the the rest of your up against the the Supreme Court and I I against the elements within the Conservative Party the business community as a questionable that want to add to that the the Scottish people I'm lots of members of the house of Commons.

Boris Johnson a phone sex or he's just been on undermines program and what when he was asked about the Supreme Court business he said there's no history in any U. negotiation or E. U. treaty of the house of Commons doing anything to factor the discretion of the government. Is that a statement you would sympathize with agree with. Well it sounds just plain wrong women bonus Johnson was not I wonder during last that come in for my sentence I was in there and the 19 nineties. So was David Davis since then he was the government chief whip forcing through the that the Maastricht treaty few hundreds of votes in the house of Commons some of which of course the the government lost. And I think but a structure should better brush up is history books as well as his eye is up to for all of diplomacy and of course this brings us to a very important point. Because if this motto ends up as legislation in the house of Commons. That is not just subject regardless of how shot debilis. It's not just subject to to one amendment as Jeremy Corbyn was suggesting this weekend and it could be subject to the 10 amendments are 50 amendments or 100 amendments.

Because of at least 100 mottos and probably a lot more but shop I brought up in the in the whole question of the L. off the optical 50 exit from the European Union basically you think Boris Johnsons just wrong and what. Well I I think. But it's just the has a. As a hobbit so for for. Venable in that to to deny you seem stuff committee into another one that costs that the pill bonds of depression because I needed the papers aside a conspiracy against the monthly at the present moment most about conspiracy emanate from the concept the pop instantly.

You have been upon the exploring possibilities for Scotland to begin. The end to a nafta even if it's still in the United Kingdom the United Kingdom isn't an after. I'm on the face of it this Scottish government diplomatic initiative is. Is not really getting anywhere did. Did you get anywhere when you had talks about this. Well I isa so you make a point to feel Heslop last week god not a man of course Sir subsequently Nicholas dungeon messiah I called it rock star status in there and the Republic of Ireland where fast members of every political party expressing a great support forum for Scotland's a first thought was ambition so it does seem that the diplomatic initiative led by the. The Scottish government it is getting some fruit but if you want my general feeling on us and I don't think that. Special status for Scotland and towns of being closer to Europe if through the European economic area on a variety of other things is going to blow much opposition anywhere in Europe indeed up the country I think it's gonna be greeted with. His grief immigration through Seattle at the question we've got to do is to. The full stop position online the government that's going to be the trick is how do you get the political leverage.

To make that popped of the UK negotiating position if it becomes part of UK negotiating position at than that the rest of thing the continent is going to be plain sailing. Yes and as you know only too well. Being a coded rock star status doesn't necessarily mean you get what you want in the end of the day. Well yeah but I was a bit more not was not a man that ever a political party in the Republic of Ireland expressed support for lack. And the aims and ambitions of phat nickel stops in for our European inclination for a sensitivity to the issue of fire of non violence was a bit more than they are a bit more to it than selfless wasn't on it was a that was a lot of fun your us out I I see a big if. If you don't say right bought on the other side of that aids for example on nafta the trade minister of Norway. Has said Luke Scotland couldn't join not add F. to if the UK didn't join it is it's not a country with of the Spanish government saying that we don't want any set.

Scotland we would veto that we've had the first missile whales saying that. So being being being affected by the by the applies the Irish parliament is is is may well be fantastic it's not government saying loot Scotland the Scottish government's gonna point here and we will buy them it's not locked. A I think you just said I was right so we got that not less via a foster many into it was I think happens I'm using I'm saying I'm saying. Well I'll I'll let you off the state but sadly bit make sure that's on the lack of full but I sense a happens on seals of offense than to the Norwegian European minister at Tomorrowland the I can say I've seen the foreign ministers of European ministers of many countries night and tells of what's on that on the record.

A big dive a hook a giver host stopped the European negotiators on the back of the saying that is Scott say European citizens shouldn't be jeopardized by a by line the government the spirits faces a sport from there the green group across Europe from the old the group from the last group from individual members of the socialist some conservative groups that is a so. I'm sure well of enthusiasm for Scotland's European ambitions. Because clearly other Europeans are quite favorable to the idea that the people of Scotland want to maintain a close an important...

Four point Brexit blueprint revealed

It was those one story which. Unfortunately into was not right I'm glad that it's being it's been corrected it and people can understand what we're trying to to do and you know got great respect Sir discarding use oil magnificent job is not storied did not quite reflect my views and that of those all that you can have immigration but it's got to be controlled and you also got to take back control of the of money I go to take back control of our democracy about rules and you gotta be in a position to do free trade deals and that is what the promise what so cheap.

Four point Brexit blueprint revealed
Four point Brexit blueprint revealed
I just tell male breaks it I mean all you in favor again it's been enough flowed around today the tech David Davis the brexit minister yourself up all in favor of some kind of continuing pavement pavements ahead to the European Union oft up brexit for some kind of access is not something you could live with. Well what does it what David has said is that that's the kind of thing that could be considered but we are not getting as United into a running commentary on on negotiations I got given you pretty fat 4..

Analysis of what we need to achieve control the borders control of money control of moles the abilities do free trade deals that's but within those are ideas that is very simple ideas is a wealth of information about the kind of deal that we want and I've no doubt that we can achieve it it will be good. Not just for the UK will be good for Europe and the whole of Europe as well.

33 victims in California fire

The remains of 33 victims have now been recovered from the burned wreckage of a California warehouse which qualifies during an all night posse emergency teams in the city of Oakland have been picking their way through the remains of the building which is been partially destroyed by the flames.

33 victims in California fire
33 victims in California fire
Police say as the crews get further into the warehouse they are expecting to final victims skies US correspondent Greg Milam reports now from Oakland in California. There is now a slow and painful process going on inside the building known as the ghost ship. Picking through what was left. After a far we now know has caused a terrible loss of life this tragedy has hit very close to home for for our agency one of our deputies that we work with. Lost. So. Still dealing with that. As we can. A deal with. The other victims. Affected. How's this for a. You know where where. We were really prepare to talk about that right now but but we're dealing with that and and our our family are. It's hurting from that. Intensity of Friday night's 5 calls the roof of the building to collapse.

The upper floor folding in on the low one without a permit for a party in cloth and chaotic inside there was little chance of escape started yelling. Everyone I know is that it all happened really quickly firemen went really. We. The warehouse is being the subject of numerous safety complaints in recent years an investigation was started just last month there was an inspection of the property and we were able to confirm blight at the property and we're still investigating down. As a. I'm committed concert.

Humidity is now in mourning many here knows someone who was inside that building now among the dead or unaccounted for. This tragedy women while young people. You know. Going out to have a good time and. Wrong place at the wrong time you know. Please. You can even it's mind blowing. It's heartbreaking.

Police confirmed they woulda international victims but it will be days before we know the final toll from the horror inside the ghost ship. Greg Milam Sky News Oakland in California.