Friday, December 02, 2016

Sarah Olney Interview in Richmond Park

And in terms of the tone of the whole brexit debate and I'm joined now by the newly elected MP Sarah Olney all the congratulations of what do you think you did manage to overturn. 23000 majority.

Sarah Olney Interview in Richmond Park
Sarah Olney Interview in Richmond Park
Well we started the campaign talking about our opposition to Heathrow expansion because that's when the by election was cool about it as we went round talking to voters we realize the bricks that was something that mattered a great deal more to them that's a lot of anxiety a lot of people very disappointed in the result so you know we started to get out a message about it we've always have a. St pro European has only come in very hard for remain and that went down really well with the voters now you said that you will actually vote against triggering article 50 to stall the bricks that negotiations.

That may be something that'll please some of your photos here but surely it is flying in the face of the views of the majority of people who voted to leave when I made that a central part of my campaign here in Richmond park and now that I've been returned to parliament it gives me a personal mandate from I have photos that I represent too to oppose article 50. But this constituency is not representative the whole country 70 percent have voted to remain pre know what the bricks that result is sure we've got to accept that. Well you know as I say you know I've got a very clear mandate from the constituents I represent and you know it say it's a Monday it they voted 70 percent remain anyway and now I've got a very clear Monday. This is an extraordinary victory but it's not going to make any difference really is it to the course of the brexit negation they go see Asians and to the government's determination to deliver on those with the will of the British people.

Well you know we just take the time to a massive 23.5000 majority here and it was very clearly a case of people voting against 2 reason Mase current approach to Brecht's it so I think that will give her polls as she can she. She will see now she's using both she's lost a seat that was previously a very safe seat for the Tories and I hope that that will cause it to change her mind about her current approach to Brecht's it. What about liberal democrats'you still love a pretty small full so Westminster you don't really gotta be able to do too much to change what is that all you well you know the momentum is with this people voting liberal democratic and not just in this election but in many council elections have been held since last year and I think in future elections we got some excellent candidates lined up I'm I think. I think we can we can win more seats.

But you're still a very small schools we've got you kept saying that that game to make gains. Approaching this whole brexit process from a completely different. Approach. Well I think to be honest I think to reason may has probably been too influenced by the UKIP and of the political spectrum and I think what this victory yesterday represents is. Is that you know she's to she needs to look out for the live with Democrats as well because we are providing now strong opposition only remain side of the political debates and that that's winning US boats and it's winning a seats there only thank you very much indeed for talking to ramble what's clear is that it wallows that whole issue of Europe on brexit which swung the did his decision here it was is that a pull the LibDems another new MP that's certainly Kohut that's it for now from Richmond. Carol thank you very much!

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